Jamaica is a tropical paradise with many charms that make up this gorgeous island. Therefore this blog aims to explore what one should know before traveling to Jamaica, what items are essential to pack, why one should visit Jamaica, and a few Jamaican phrases everyone should know. When traveling anywhere, one should always purchase travel insurance. Therefore one should have a list of travel insurance companies to look at and compare. Additionally, many companies provide flight and accommodation bookings. For example, one such company is Myholiday. If you are interested in exploring these companies’ services further, you should use their review section, such as my holidays booking review. Doing so allows you to understand their services better.

What to know before traveling to Jamaica

If you are looking to plan a holiday to Jamaica, here is what you should know. First, Jamaica forms part of the Caribbean, making it one of the US islands, and therefore one can use US dollars when paying for anything in Jamaica. But, of course, if you want to go to fewer tourist areas or even local markets, it doesn’t hurt to have some foreign currency with you. Secondly, their tap water is safe to drink. Thirdly, getting around Jamaica is relatively expensive. Therefore, it may be beneficial to hire a car if you want to explore. Finally, homophobia in Jamaica is typical. Sexual acts between men are illegal and highly frowned upon. Many Jamaican members, who are openly part of the LGBTQ+ community,  are often harassed, assaulted, and even murdered.    

What to pack when visiting Jamaica

With Jamaica having a relatively tropical climate, one should pack reasonably lightly. Therefore one should include at least two pairs of swimwear, open and closed shoes, two pairs of shorts, five tops, two pairs of pajamas, a few dresses or skirts, a pair of hiking shoes or sneakers, and a few fancy outfits for dinners and finally toiletries.

Why should you visit Jamaica?

Apart from being an ideal location for a wedding or honeymoon, there are a few other reasons to visit Jamaica: the natural paradise. It truly is a sight with mystical waterfalls, lush forests, and beautiful rivers. In addition to this, with the exotic nature and wildlife, one can go exploring and hiking to navigate the island’s other natural wonders and phenomena. Furthermore, Jamaica is one of the most diverse places and therefore has a large amount of history and culture that one can learn. Lastly, the Jamaican people are one of the friendliest people and will open you with welcome arms.

Jamaican phrases tourists should know.

When traveling to a foreign country that speaks a foreign language, it is very beneficial to try to learn some saying or phrases to help better communicate. Therefore, here are some common Jamaican sayings. Firstly is “Weh Yuh Ah Seh,” which translates into “How are you doing?”. A shorter version of this phrase is “weh yaw seh.” Secondly is “Boonoonoonoos.” This saying expresses once you love something or someone. In English, it translates to “special person.” Thirdly, “Small Up Yuhself” asks someone to move when you need more space to either sit down or pass through. It directly translates to “Make room.” Lastly is “Wah Gwaan,” a casual greeting the locals use. It means “What’s up” or “How are you?”.

Jamaica is a true tropical paradise. Its warm climate and blue skies make for a perfect destination to explore, swim, hike, and relax. Additionally, Jamaica has a large amount of history and culture that one can learn about and educate themselves on.